Your employees are your greatest asset – and your greatest investment. Health insurance can help you retain and recruit employees as well as drive productivity and satisfaction. Offering the “right” health plan is one of the most important decisions you can make as a small business owner. That’s because keeping employees happy and healthy helps you and your business in the long term.
Different businesses have different needs – and UnitedHealthcare (UHC) offers a range of plans to suit your organization and your employees’ individual and family health needs. UHC plans can save you money and keep your employees informed, healthy, and happy. And, healthier employees mean a healthier bottom line for your business. View and compare plans by clicking below.
Below are some of our most popular UnitedHeathcare health plans along with a snapshot of plan coverage and out-of-pocket costs. For a complete list of coverage options, click Download All Plans below to see the most current plan information.
$2,400 / $4,800 (applies to Max OOP)
$9,400 / $18,800
$60 Copay (ded waived)
$125 Copay (ded waived)
$1,250 / $2,5500 (applies to Max OOPM)
$7,250 / $14,500
$35 Copay (ded waived)
$100 Copay (ded waived)
$500 Copay
$4,000 / $8,000
$25 Copay
$75 Copay
Complete the contact form, a member of our team will reach out to get more information, and we will create a customized quote based on your needs. It’s that simple!